Need For Speed II: Special Edition - Ranking

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This is still in early developement. More Features and Filters are comming soon.

# Player Car Time Skill Track
1 sdk FZR 2000 3:01.21 wild Proving Grounds
2 vgarcia FZR 2000 3:01.25 wild Proving Grounds
3 sdk FZR 2000 3:06.12 wild Proving Grounds
4 vgarcia FZR 2000 3:06.31 wild Proving Grounds
5 sdk FZR 2000 3:06.37 wild Proving Grounds
6 vgarcia McLaren F1 3:25.28 wild Proving Grounds
7 fx4level McLaren F1 3:26.62 wild Proving Grounds
8 Player1 McLaren F1 3:27.28 arc Proving Grounds
9 Player1 McLaren F1 3:28.46 arc Proving Grounds
10 franksy McLaren F1 3:29.53 wild Proving Grounds
11 sdk McLaren F1 3:30.15 sim Proving Grounds
12 Player1 McLaren F1 4:01.05 wild Proving Grounds
13 fx4level Ford GT90 4:52.37 sim Proving Grounds